Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Ladies in Brewing - a musing (Industry Class)

Recently all the female brew students in 1st & 2nd year at the Brewmaster program got together and created Calamity Jane Pale Ale in order to celebrate International Women's Day. These ladies did everything. They worked together to come up with the recipe, brewed it, transferred the brew, monitored fermentation, filtered it, bottled it, promoted it and more. Part of the proceeds of this limited release beer from this beer is to go to a Central Alberta Women’s Charity and to the Pink Boots Society. You don’t know who Pink Boots are? Well check out this link.

I visited my "brew-sister" Lisa and the 1st years on the day of the brew and there was a lot going on. Don't take my word for it, check out her blog here. They were all talking about how excited they were to support International Women’s Day. The gals even had a launch party at the local restaurant with plenty of media at the event to promote it. There’s even been some buzz around the web at these links.:

Now I got to thinking “Waitasec, women used to brew beer in history, so why not now? Is it all the corporate shenanigans that turned brewing into a male-dominated industry?”

When I think of 'women in brewing', I think of the following: 

Barleys Angels – Their website says that they“expand the appreciation and understanding of craft beer among women through events with craft beer professional”. There are a couple groups located in Alberta and a couple in BC and they span world wide. Take a peek here. 

Beer Chicks – Christina Perozzi & Hallie Beaune are two of my heroines in the beer industry from the US. They’re smart, sassy, intelligent, brew beer, and the list goes on. I have their 2 books: The Naked Pint & The Naked Brewer. These are 2 ladies that I’d love to have a pint or two with. Lots of talent and insight with these two gals at this site.

The book "The Naked Brewer" with Christina Perozzi & Hallie Beanue (aka The Beer Chicks). Why naked? Beats me but it got your attention right?
Brew Betties YYC - 

Started by the female powerhouse Tiffany, this is a group based in Calgary designed to bring ladies together to appreciate craft beer and more. She's a fun pal of mine. When you get a chance, check out her Facebook page!

Mirella Amato – How can you be in the beer industry and not admire one of the only 7 Certified Master Cicerones? I have her book Beerology and I’d love to take her course if I lived in Ontario. Another person on my “Must-have-beer-with-this-person-before-I-die” list.

Don't worry there are more! I've lost count as to how many gung-ho gals there are in the BC beer industry. People from brewers, knowledgeable sales reps & managers (Shout outs to Folland, Laura, Tess, Emily, Alicia, & Trish), liquor store managers (Go Holly @ Firefly Maple Ridge!), CAMRA members (such as Lundy, Monica, Amanda for starters and Natasha in CAMRA Alberta). Whew!

You want an article about some of these gals? Here you go.

I know I missed mentioning other talented female individuals in the brewing industry. It's not that I'm ignoring you, it's just that there are so many talented gals that are breaking down barriers of this male dominated industry. 

Gentlemen -  if you haven't embraced the change that ladies are into craft beer then please give your head a slight shake because back in the day...women brewed the beer!

Ladies! - Keep up the momentum! I salute you and honestly support all of you getting the word out about your unique insights and perspectives. 


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